A Good Classic Story

When I see the book, "Corduroy", I get a nostalgic feeling. It brings back memories of my childhood sitting in the elementary classroom listening to this story while each classmate passed around a stuffed Corduroy bear. I had this book in my personal childhood collection and it remains a staple now. Corduroy is a stuffed animal left on a toy store shelf to wonder when someone will come along and take him home. One little girl comes along and wants to take him home, but her mother says no due to his missing button on his overalls. Corduroy was so sad so he sets off into the mall to find himself a new button! To his disappointment, he doesn't find one, but that doesn't stop a very determined little girl. This story is a sweet reminder that everyone has a place and someone to love them no matter who you are. "Corduroy" can be used at the beginning of the year when students are making new friends and might be a little nervous. This story represents how friends can make us feel special and comfort us.
Lexile: 600L
Guided Reading Level: K
Suggested Grades: K-2
Link posted for "Corduroy" extensions.