Definitely Not a Cranky Book

I have to start off by saying I love this book! I think everyone can related to this character in one way or another. I definitely can! "Crankenstein", by Samantha Berger is a fun story to use around Halloween, although it can be used at any time. Crankenstein wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and is in a BAD mood! He is so ill that all he can say is "mehhrrrr"!! Throughout the story, things that make him angry keep happening and ruining his day. His mom makes him pancakes for breakfast and he has only one drop of syrup! His popsicle melts because it is too hot outside. He waits in a forever long line just to figure out he is not tall enough to ride. It's way too cold on Halloween, and then he breaks his toy. Just when you think Crankenstein is going to lose his marbles, he meets a GIRL crankenstein. It doesn't make him angry like we would think. It makes him laugh! Now Crankenstein is happy. But for how long? I used this book in a second grade classroom to show that the author uses illustrations to help us understand more about what the story is telling us. Some things are not written in the story, but by looking at the illustrations, you know what the author is telling you. We read this book at the carpet and the students were able to make the "mehhrrr" sound with me. They loved being included in the story. I also did an opinion writing activity about if they agreed with the reasons Crankenstein was mad or not and why. I also included a craft where the students got to make their own Crankenstein face and glue it to their writing. This book has endless activities to go along with it. Overall, this is a fun and interactive book.
Lexile: AD350L
Guided Reading Level: I
ATOS Reading Level: 1.7